My Scratch Projects!

This is where I will post my favorite scratch projects.


This draws a line at a set speed and changes direction with the press of the arrows.

Shape Drawer

This program draws a regular polygon with the number of sides that you input.

Danger Zone

This program is a music video set to a 30 second clip of Kenny Loggins' "Danger Zone"

Rock, Paper, Scissors

This program prompts the user to pick Rock, Paper, or Scissors, randomly picks one of the three for itself, and outputs the winner and how they won.

Rectangle Calculator

This program calculates the area of a rectangle with given sides, the length of sides a square would need to have the same area, and the length of sides an equilateral triangle will need to have the same area.


Meme Figher: FvF Warfare

We created a Street Fighter style game, using the famous Memes "Pepe le forg" and "Kermit dee fraug". Controls are wasd and arrows for movement, f and g for Kermit's hadouken and punch, and l and space for Pepe's punch and Hadouken.